This is the Basic Headstone Cleaning and Maintenance Package. This includes a thorough headstone cleaning, and a monthly maintenance trim and cleaning of the immediate area. The typical yearly season begins April 1st, and runs through October 31st, or sooner if the winter weather occurs. (approximately 7 visits/season) *Any gravestone marked with US Military on it, will receive an American Flag placed at the site (at no cost).*
This is the Seasonal Headstone Cleaning and Maintenance Package. This includes a thorough headstone cleaning, and a bi-weekly maintenance trim and cleaning of the immediate area. The typical yearly season begins April 1st, and runs through October 31st, or sooner if the winter weather occurs. (approximately 15 visits/season) *Any gravestone marked with US Military on it, will receive an American Flag placed at the site (at no cost).*
This package is for the Seasonal Cleaning Package for 2 headstones located in the same cemetery.
This package is for the Seasonal Cleaning Package for 2 headstones located in a different cemetery.
On every visit we make to your loved one, there will be a bouquet of artificial flowers to brighten up the area.
We will make sure that upon our first seasonal visit we make to your loved one, that there are a bouquet of artificial flowers to brighten up the area.
Dearly Departed Cleaning
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